Cyber security is now the basis of our commercial and individual life. With the transition to Berqnet Firewall products, we got a much more user-friendly firewall interface. In this way, we have increased the efficiency of our IT team by saving time. The works and configurations we spent our hours on the products we used in the past can be done in minutes or even seconds on Berqnet Firewall. This provides an important benefit for us to focus on our business.
Aktif Iriyıl
IT Executive | Aktif-İriyıl Automative
"We passed Berqnet through a different and global brand. I personally conducted a detailed research and studied Berqnet extensively. The main reason for transition was our dissatisfaction with the support service we received. The fact that we could not find an interlocutor before us and that our requests were answered too late was not a situation we could accept. When I saw that it had no shortage of global products in terms of quality, I realized how correct my choice was.''
Our Choices from A Myriad of Projects Done by Berqnet
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*Every reference posted on this page has the required permissions. This list does not represent all of Berqnet's references.